Our platform gives you access to attractive courier and freight rates from our wide range of carriers. Save money and time by integrating your e-commerce website with our all-in-one Shipping Solution
Enter Shipping Details
Simply enter the shipping details or use the integrated shipping details
Select Courier Option
Choose from different courier options our platform offers
Ship the Parcel
Track the Parcel
Why are we the
sweetest choice?
Satisfied Clients
Years of delivering the best service
Parcels per day
It’s an incredibly simple plug and play system. All you have to do is input the delivery address and shipment size to be presented with our range of courier providers to select from. Each courier has their own pricing and schedule that you will be able to see. Each parcel has a different size and weight which our software takes into consideration. You only pay for what you use.
Optimized Freight Options
We offer shipping rates that are specially suited to your organization
Mainstream E-commerce Integration
Easily integrate your e-commerce website with our software to efficiently manage all your orders
Local Customer Service
Our support team is based in Auckland and we have a fantastic response time for all your needs
Branded labels
Customise your shipping labels to represent your brand on your packages
Batch Printing
Have too many shipping labels to print? Don’t worry, you’ll have the option to bulk print your orders for efficiency
Easy International
Sending packages internationally is made simple with our software that guides you
Alert & Notifications
We send your customers shipment updates on their expected parcels through email, or on our GoTrack app
Branded Tracking App
Using GoTrack, you’re able to personalize the app to fit your brand for customers to see
Return Label
Improve the customer experience with hassle-free return labels
Courier Partners
We work with major New Zealand and Australian freight providers to deliver trustworthy and reliable services. We offer options of best rate so you can choose the best choice for your business and your customer. Our system is loaded with linear rates, therefore, you are not required to pay for weight or space not being used, resulting in impressive savings.